Monday, 23 February 2009

Salemat Pagi!

aye aye, greetings from KL.  Landed safely in Kl, travelling went so smoothly, it was eerie, no waiting, no problems.  makes me wonder what will go wrong...  had a bus and then train into KL city.  Staying in a really nice hostel in China town.  Nice folks running it and its got a rooftop bar twhich makes it fine and easy to meet folk.  As you walk in to the shady rat and roach door way on street level, it is impossible to think that two flights up, there is a reception drapped in flowers with huge fish tanks adorning the walls.  The Owner keeps alot of fish and turtles, aligator snappers, long necks, Red ears, and a something turtle which is huge and likes people?  Not so sure i think he just wanted a chunk of the guys finger, as it rose to the surface to be petted.  Also there are two Garss fish?  Look like a cross beween pike and crocodiles.  We watched them geting fed yesterday and the are some mean dudes, the wee, well fairly large carp didnt stand a chance.  They guy says they grow up to 14.5 ft Long!   

Anywat we are here for the transitional period between seasons, So a fair  bit of humidity, and rain about.  Went for a proper tourist run about in the torrential downpour a couple of nights ago, good fun, if a bit cliche, but you gotta do it.  Had no time to get photos up but they will follow.  Got Our Indonesian Visas sorted yesterday.  So we collect them today,  170 Rm ($30 ish) for a 60 day tourist visa.  We Fly to Bali  on saturday, so looking to get out of the city and head north before we leave. will keep you posted.

Bought some relatively cheap filp flops which looked quite sturdy and long lasting, absolutely tore my feet to shreds so now i have chopped up my trainers, into trandals, which are alot more accomodating to my swollen bleeding feet.  Germoline and dressings and nae probs ken.  

Oh... First night on  arrival we walk out of our hostel to go for a wander, step outside, take a few steps, and who bolts up from his seat?  Gavin!  He had been Cycling round malaysia on his todd since october, and i had had no communication with him since he left!  really surreal to meet him like that!  anyway he returned two days later back to Scotland, as we go on to the rest of our trip.
Right will post some pics up soon.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

get ready..... go

Well, here we are standing on the precipice of new adventures....  Packed and pretty much ready to go, Nick Leaves Inverness at 6 pm tonight and i leave Thirsk at 8 am tomorrow.  Fly from heathrow at 14.15, doha, then KL.  Stay there, long enough to get visas for indo, and hopefully for this little beauty to heal a bit more.(see below)  Then fly from KL into Denpassar in Bali, where the plan is to get sorted, with bikes boards and let my arm heal some more, before setting off for Kuta Lombok where we aim to stay for a while.....well...not much else to say yet.....thanks to abidy, and take care of yourselves.  Peas and chips

Oh yeah we will also be online soon at  watch this space

Monday, 16 February 2009


Aye aye.....nae too much news yet so hud on min