August the nineth saw 3 nationalities come together for hard slog of a shred which was hike heavy for sure. Team ScotlandNorwayKiwi had an early start, and went in search of gnar...and we weren't disappointed. the gullies and bowls of Motatapu Basin were our main shred ingredients garnish with some scottish gnar, norwegian crazyness and for dessert Fresh kiwi steeze. what a belter
Dan got a 2009 first decent on a beauty of a shoulder into a steep and maybe not so deep gully run, steezing out some freshies for the cause. Ben pushed is heart rate and scottish riding with a mega gnar drop to air the rock and a gunning ride out.....that was something to see! and eric the park rat looked happy to be wallowing with his fat stance in amongst lots of fresh.
The first of many to come...good weather, sore feet, the odd ragdoll and a big dollop of stoke made it fun for all the family.

Dan explodes into a puff of fluff

THE drop.

Ben steezing out a wee cliff number

The long hike home